Affordable Health Research Centre (AHRC)
Collaborative Research Project in Distrito Federal, Brasil.
AHRC Research Associates
Our work would not be possible without the amazing people working tirelessly across on the ground to help the Affordable Health Initiative deliver its projects.
Dr Mauricio Bartelle, PhD, AHRC Associate Researcher.
Responsible for monitoring the AHI Health Promoting School project in Distrito Federal, Brasil.
Ms Erica Piovesan, PhD candidate (UnB), AHRC Associate Researcher
Coordinator of the fieldwork in the AHI Health Promoting School project in Distrito Federal, Brasil.
Ms Isadora Passos Maciel, PhD candidate (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Alexandra Maria dos Santos Carvalho, PhD candidate (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Ingrid Quaresma, PhD candidate (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Rafaela Sabino, PhD candidate (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Julia Barros , MSc student (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Caroline D Vieira, MSc student (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Ms Paula Kominami, MSc student (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Marly Vale Soares, MSc student (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Ms Fernanda Canuto, Associate Professor (FEPECS) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Dr Eliana Takeshita, Associate Professor (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Dr Vanessa Pereira, Associate Professor (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Dr Érica Negrini Lia, Associate Professor (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Professor Soraya Leal (UnB) and AHRC Associate Researcher.
Professor Wagner Marcenes, Director AHRC.