For the public benefit, to preserve and protect the health and to advance the education of people throughout the world in such ways as the trustees see fit.
We empower families from local deprived communities to maximise the access to tools for their children to increase equality of outcomes, through providing support for good health and quality education. For the public benefit, to preserve and protect the health and to advance the education of people throughout the world in such ways as the trustees see fit.
Our vision
A world in which every child has access to the necessary tools to fulfil their potential and flourish.
Our founder
Professor Wagner Marcenes
Our aims:
· Provide support for emotional, social and physical development
· Provide structured support to access good healthcare and quality education.
· Leave a better planet for future generations.
Our values:
· Accountability;
· Ambition;
· Humbleness;
· Inclusiveness;
· Integrity and
· Respect.