Estrutural is a low-income community in Brasilia, Brasil.
Estrutural is a small city characterised by high levels of social deprivation. Its formation was due to an invasion of garbage collectors near the sanitary landfill of the Federal District. Estrutural city is located less than 20 kilometres from the centre of Brasilia and the country's government ministries, congress and presidential palace. After a fight of almost five decades, in 2004, the local population obtained that the State recognized its condition of city within the ‘Setor Complementar de Industria e abastecimento’ within the Federal District, with Estrutural being its headquarters. From then on, the right to plots and access to other social rights was more effectively guaranteed. Nevertheless, Estrutural city remains economically marginalized and lacking infrastructure. Estrutural city has a poor sanitation system, only two schools and a health centre.
Estrutural city congregates many risks factors for health such as lack of safe drinking water, reduced access to sources of healthy food and an oversupply of outlets that promote unhealthy foods. Estrutural city population also suffers the consequences of high levels of toxins, such as air and water pollution, hazardous waste and industrial chemicals. It was not surprising that In 2004, countless shacks were destroyed by a fire of medium proportions that almost hit a nearby gas pipeline putting this vulnerable community at risk of extinction. As in most low-income communities Estrutural city presents high levels of criminality.